Bronze Upfront/Paid in full Memberships


No lock in term

$24.95 per week

You are committing to a payment of $24.95 per week for up to 12 weeks.

There are no refunds on Paid in Full memberships

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13 weeks

$265.55 in full

You are committing to a payment of $265.55 for a 13 week Membership.

Please note, there are no refunds on Paid in Full Memberships.

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52 weeks

$859.40 in full

You are committing to a payment of $859.40 a 52 week Membership.

Please note, there are no refunds on Paid in Full Memberships.

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78 weeks

$1060.90 in full

You are committing to a payment of 1060.90 for a 78 week Membership

There are no refunds on Paid in Full Memberships.

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